You’ve attempted to work out your differences with your spouse but ultimately you’ve decided the best solution for everyone is to proceed with the divorce. Telling your children likely won’t be easy. You’ll need to be empathetic to help them process their feelings.

For starters, try and be simple. A child’s reaction will vary depending on their age. Younger ones likely won’t grasp the magnitude of the decision or why it’s happening so there is no need to go into detail. Instead, focus on things that may directly concern them such as their living arrangements or how their schedule may be affected.

Make sure to emphasize that your decision was not caused by the child in any way. This avoids the possibility of the child thinking the divorce is their fault. Also, be sure to remind them that you will support them just as much if not more so than you did before and your relationship with them will remain unaffected.

Depending on the child, they may reach in different ways. Some may become withdrawn, others may experience feelings of anger. Allow them to express and process their emotions and let them know that you’re there to talk.

This update is provided by the firm Rafool, PLLC. We have a strong reputation throughout Florida and we have numerous years of experience representing clients involved in complex divorce cases as well as other family law matters. Should you have any domestic or family issue, we are here to assist you by providing educated advice and skilled, professional advocacy. Call 305-567-9400 to speak with one of our family law attorneys Miami or the best divorce attorney Miami.

This information is provided for educational or informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice.