Parental alienation is a process that occurs during divorce that involves a parent attempting to turn a child against the other parent. It can be intentional or may stem from subconscious behaviors. Parental alienation can leave children with lasting emotional scarring while also causing stress and devastation for the targeted parent. 

If you suspect you or your child may be a victim of parental alienation, contact a Miami family law lawyer to get help. 

Alienating parents can be found by the court to have violated child custody orders, resulting in a ruling of contempt of court and court-mandated solutions to end the behavior. This can typically result in major modifications to existing timeshare and visitation plans. 

Signs of parental alienation include: 

  • Subtle or obvious rewards to children for negative behavior towards the other parent

  • Subtle or obvious punishment for reacting positively to the other parent

  • Discouraging children from spending enjoyable time with the other parent

  • Pushing children to cancel on plans with the other parent

  • Demeaning comments made in front of the children about the other parent

Parental alienation violates child custody orders because the parents are expected to put the child's best interest first. Custody orders warn against this behavior and require the custodial parent to encourage a positive relationship with the other parent, especially during their visits. 

Family law attorneys in Miami can assist you in petitioning the court to enforce the outlined terms of your parenting plan, specifically the guidelines that the other parent must support your relationship with your children. However, you need to have convincing evidence that parental alienation has occurred. 

If you would like to get help with parental alienation, please visit us online to request a consultation.