Many states, including Florida, participate in a marriage procedure known as “simplified dissolution,” an option to end a marriage under certain circumstances. Simplified dissolution, or summary dissolution, is a divorce procedure that takes less time than a regular dissolution of marriage. While each state has its own set of regulations, there are a few things you can expect across the board. 

  • Cooperation: both spouses need to sign all the required forms, which may include going to a courthouse to sign and file and to attend a final hearing. 

  • Property and debts: in some situations, no property or debt needs to be split up, or the amount does not extend certain amounts. If property or debt should be divided, it will be required to have a written agreement signed by both parties.

  • You may have to waive your right to alimony.

  • You may have to waive your rights to a jury trial, to request a new trial, or the right to appeal. 

  • Children: if minors or dependent children are involved, then a written visitation agreement must be signed by both parties. 

Typically, the local court clerk’s office can inform you if simplified dissolution is available. In Florida, one of the spouses involved must have lived in Florida for the previous six months, and both parties must agree in full to the terms of the divorce, including that the marriage is broken.

Simplified dissolution may not be available to everyone, so seeking the help of a Miami family law lawyer may be necessary. Rafool, PLLC, family law attorneys in Miami, are ready to help you with your divorce. For more information or to request a consultation, please visit us online.