If you’re facing a difficult child custody issue, you may be feeling overwhelmed; it is, after all, one of the most difficult aspects of family law. Having Miami family law lawyers on your side is the best way to ensure that your case is handled properly, because custody matters can be complex and require a high level of skill. In this blog, we’ll explore the basics of child custody to help you make informed decisions about any child custody issues you may be facing.

When it comes to child custody, it’s important to understand that it’s viewed as an arrangement between parents, rather than a parent’s right. In other words, the court cannot award either parent full custody without the consent of both parents. Furthermore, the courts will always take into consideration the best interests of the child when making decisions around child custody.

Governed at the state level, the way each state’s family laws apply to child custody will widely vary. Working with experienced Miami family law lawyers ensures that your case receives all the considerations required for it, specifically. 

There are two types of child custody: physical and legal. Physical custody refers to where the child lives, while legal custody involves making major decisions about a child’s life, such as educational and medical decisions. Both types are known as sole and joint. A parent with sole custody is granted complete responsibility over these areas, while a joint agreement means that both parents have a say in important decisions. In some cases, a third-party custodian may be named to help take on responsibility for physical custody of the child. Children can also spend equal time with both parents by making an arrangement called shared custody.

Many parents move forward with negotiations when determining child custody arrangements. It’s always advisable to negotiate with the help of a Miami family law lawyer for guidance. Because custody decisions will be based on the child’s best interests, it helps to provide evidence demonstrating why either parent is capable of providing for the child’s safety and well-being. Factors such as lifestyle, health, home environment, and educational opportunities are all helpful pieces of evidence during these negotiations. 

Child custody can be a difficult part of planning the future for your family. If you are ever facing any sort of child custody dispute, don’t hesitate to find experienced and reliable Miami family lawyers to help you understand and navigate this intimidating process. Working with a lawyer will ensure that your case is handled with proper attention and respect, and that your child’s best interests are the top priority.

If you have concerns about child custody, the experienced Miami family law attorneys at Rafool, PLLC, can help. Call us at (305) 567-9400 or contact our Miami office online to schedule a consultation.