Divorce is already a difficult situation to deal with, but the holidays make it even harder. This time of year is a constant reminder of happier, more joyous times contrasted with the difficulties that come with ending a marriage, particularly when there are children involved. Thankfully, there are a number of things you can do to simplify the holidays.

The following are practical suggestions for coping with divorce over the holidays:

  • Establish new family customs and rituals. Making new traditions with loved ones is a good idea because keeping old ones can bring up painful memories. Even your kids can help you brainstorm ways to revive the spirit of the holidays.

  • Plan an enjoyable, stress-free activity to do with friends and family. Additionally, you can arrange a getaway trip.

  • You can feel great physically and possibly mentally by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep. It can be tempting to over eat or drink to numb the pain, but doing so leads to longer-term problems.

  • Seek support from loving family members and friends, especially those who have also gone through divorce.

  • Even though a new year often heralds fresh starts, this one is particularly significant. Take this opportunity to celebrate the beginning of a brand-new chapter in your life.

Miami family law lawyers at Rafool, PLLC provide eDiscovery services to individuals, families, and corporations throughout Florida. 

To learn more about how a Miami FL divorce attorney from Rafool, PLLC may be able to help you with your divorce, visit us online.