Alimony, hidden assets, and child custody are a trio of “components” in divorce cases where the insights of a legal professional can prove highly beneficial. Let’s delve into this a bit.

During a divorce case, both spouses are expected to divulge all of their assets. However, there are plenty of cases where one spouse may try and hide their assets from lawyers to try and reduce the amount they may have to pay for child support or alimony or so that they are not required to divide certain property fairly. Forensic or eDiscovery attorneys can track down potentially hidden assets.

A multitude of distinct alimony types exist, and many of them are based on how long the marriage lasted as well as whether one spouse can support themselves. Navigating alimony is another area where legal assistance can prove to be a major plus.

Determining child custody is based on the child’s best interests. Much like with alimony, a lot of details factor into the decision made by a judge, such as the financial situation of both parents and whether they are fit to provide for the child’s needs. A parenting specialist may provide the court with insightful information about the atmosphere in both homes, the extended family of both partners, and how their presence or absence may influence the child as they develop, and other factors that may make it clear a certain parent should receive custody.

This update is provided by the firm and Miami family law lawyers of Rafool, PLLC. We have a strong reputation throughout Florida and we have numerous years of experience representing clients involved in complex divorce cases as well as other family law matters. Should you have any domestic or family issue, we are here to assist you by providing educated advice and skilled, professional advocacy. Call 305-567-9400 to speak with one of our family law attorneys Miami.

This information is provided for educational or informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice.