Year after year, an increase of people seek divorce in the weeks leading up to Valentine’s Day. This growing phenomenon is not yet completely understood, though there are some clues: 

For many, any holiday can trigger spouses to make a move in their marriage, let alone a holiday based on love. The heightened pressure put on Valentine's Day can become a breaking point. It's easy for many spouses to experience a disappointing holiday season. Inescapable ads glamorizing marriage are everywhere. Yet, it’s not always the fault of Valentine's Day, but other holidays, too.

New Year’s comes with new resolutions. Yet, rarely do we keep up with our resolutions, or act on them at all. For some, Valentine’s Day acts as a wall. A reminder of those resolutions they made but hadn’t yet found that right moment to act on. 

Of course, for others waiting may be the reason to seek a divorce in the run-up to Valentine’s Day. As it's common for people to want to get through the holiday season without any big disruptions. This can be especially true when many of those days may be shared with family and friends.

Whatever the reasons may be, the holiday season can be the toughest time of any divorce. Our expert team of attorneys understands this, and is here to help.

To learn more about how a Miami FL divorce attorney may be able to help you with your annulment or divorce, visit us online.