In today's age, many of us have multiple accounts on various social media platforms where we share our lives. However, people frequently overshare the intimate details of their daily lives, which were once shared solely with family and close friends. Your information may appear private to you, but it can be used against you in court. Here are some of the ways that social media can influence your divorce:

Your Financial Situation Will Be Revealed

Although you probably don't write about your salary or how much you spent on dinner, there are other ways to flaunt your spending habits. If you travel abroad and use the check-in tool to show which upscale hotel you are staying at, a judge may believe you are wealthier than you appear or that you are concealing marital assets. It will affect your case in either situation.

Your Social Media Posts May Jeopardize Your Custody

Everyone needs to let off steam every now and then by having a drink or getting together with pals for a small get-together. However, if you write about it and upload images of you and your buddies having a good time, a judge might think you're a bad parent.

Your Spouse’s Friends Also Are Your Friends

Although you've undoubtedly barred your spouse from your social media accounts, you're still likely to have a lot of similar friends. Some of your shared acquaintances may tell your spouse about your online posts, providing him or her with knowledge that would otherwise be unavailable. Unfortunately, determining who is loyal to you and who is loyal to your spouse is nearly impossible.

Your Social Media Posts May Contradict What You Say in Court

We like to brag about the good things in our lives because we want our friends and family to cheer us on. This can paint you in a light that does not always reflect truth, and it could come back to haunt you in court. Stop utilizing social media to avoid the potential of contradicting yourself.

Miami family law lawyers  at Rafool, PLLC provide eDiscovery services to individuals, families, and corporations throughout Florida. 

To learn more about how a Miami FL divorce attorney from Rafool, PLLC may be able to help you with your divorce, visit us online.