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What Is Goodwill in a Divorce?

Goodwill, also known as business goodwill, is an intangible asset of good reputation and customer loyalty. It happens due to many incidents, including the foundations of the business, the successful Read More

Marital Settlement Agreements in Florida

Marital settlement agreements are written and signed contracts by both spouses that outline the terms of the divorce. These agreements will address the issues in your case, including custody and Read More

How to Choose the Right Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is a sensitive matter, with lots of complexities involving children and property. Making sure you have the right legal backing is one of the best ways you can help Read More

Should You Get a Postnuptial Agreement?

If you got married and decided to forgo the prenuptial agreement, you are not alone. Many couples bypass this step of marriage, however, it is one of the most important Read More

Increased Divorce Rates in "Baby Boomer" Generation

Senior adults are not usually the first group of people that come to mind when it comes to divorce. In fact, many younger couples look to seniors as an example Read More

Videoconferencing and Family Court

COVID-19 has brought many changes to the way people handle events, from everyday matters like traffic tickets to the big ones like divorce court. Significant changes are expected to stick Read More

eDiscovery Litigation in Miami

eDiscovery refers to electronic discovery - discovery is the legal term used for the beginning stages of litigation when both parties must provide relevant information, records, and evidence related to Read More

NDAs in Divorce Settlements

Divorce is difficult, and even more so when you feel the pressure of people unnecessarily knowing the intricate details of the situation. From divorce settlements to child custody, a non-disclosure Read More

Civil Litigation in Florida

Civil litigation refers to when a civil matter goes to court to get resolved. These cases can involve relationships, marriages, corporations, and divorce. "Civil" means that one individual or business Read More

International Child Custody Cases

Miami is home to people from all over the world. When families, no matter what size, decide to relocate to South Florida, there are often remaining strong ties to people Read More

Viewing 1 - 10 out of 25 posts


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