Viewing 121 - 130 out of 134 posts


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Parental Rights as an Unwed Father

Fathers play a vital role in a child’s life. For unwed fathers wishing to maintain a relationship with their child, but have parted ways with the mother, this may prove Read More

Discussing Legal Family Matters with Loved Ones

Dealing with a matter involving family law may result in a tremendous amount of stress for those involved as well as other family members. Whether it’s determining custody, splitting property, Read More

The Importance of Paying Alimony

Having to pay alimony to your former spouse probably isn’t the most pleasant experience. If the divorce was acrimonious, your wishes probably involve not having to deal with the person Read More

How Do Annulments and Divorces Differ?

It’s not uncommon to read a news story about a Hollywood couple choosing to call it quits by having their marriage annulled. How does that differ from the more common Read More

What Happens to Pets in a Divorce?

For many of us, pets are considered important members of the family. While divorce laws are clear when it comes to what happens with children in a divorce, what about Read More

Dividing Property During a Divorce

When it comes to the division of property in a divorce, Florida is among the states where marital property is divided in a fair manner. This can be a daunting Read More

What Happens If a Parent Wants to Move?

Following a divorce, a person may wish to relocate within the state of Florida or move out of the state entirely for countless reasons. If the person is the parent Read More

Prenups Aren’t Just for Divorcing Couples

As the years pass, the stigma attached to prenuptial agreements continues to evaporate. A greater number of couples are choosing to sign these agreements prior to tying the knot. A Read More

How Is Child Custody Determined?

Divorce can become a messy process, and it become even more complex if there are children involved. Although choices are made in the best interest of the child, determining which Read More

When Child Custody Needs Change

During a divorce involving children, there will come the moment when you will need to figure out how to divide the time shared between the child and the parents. While Read More

Viewing 121 - 130 out of 134 posts


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